
Small Mobile Phone Stationed 120000 Bacteria

A mobile phone is an indispensable electronic product in modern life. But do you know what? Mobile phone bacteria are more than the toilet seat. A test results show that, the mobile phone per square centimeter of bacteria stationed about 120000.

We check 10 kinds of 240 strains bacteria in 108 department cell phone, there are 39 strain for pathogenic staphylococcus aureus. Mobile phones per square centimeter of bacteria stationed about 120000. It is more than a doorknob or a shoe of bacteria quantity. The main polluted part is keypads department.

A mobile phone has so many pathogenic bacteria. It seems, to mobile phone regular disinfection can not be ignored. To be healthy using cell phone, so please bear in mind that the six tips below.

1, You had better use q-tip with medical alcohol wipe gently mobile phone keyboard, screen and cell phone other parts. You can also go to mobile phone customer service department to clean through the ultraviolet or ozone etc.

2, When call or send and receive messages, please don't take other items, especially do not take food, be careful a close mouth catches no flies.

3, a lot of people used to put mobile phone and wallet, keys, money and goods in a recession, it is easy to cause the cross contamination.

4, Using headphones can reduce mobile phone radiation damage, but also reduce the contact of face and oral parts as far as possible, so prevent droplet infection.

5 Please often wash your hands. Whether you believe that our hand is the largest living of bacteria and viruses. if want to let your mobile phone with less bacteria as far as possible, so please keep this rule to wash your hands often.

6, Buy cell phone cases for your mobile phone
Some people think that silicone phone cases and plastic phone cases will create more space, and the space will make phone has dirtier. Even so, with an appropriate, especially those who completely cover the keyboard of mobile phone cases, and then clean it regularly (I mean, take out  cell phone case from mobile phone, and then clean phone cases), can largely reduce the stranger bacteria inside your phone.

